What is your content tone and brand voice?

Search for the topics that interest you and find out what questions people are asking. Paying particular attention to those that have many followers and/or answers. Then. Create a blog post that answers a popular question. You can also use quora to write your blog post . Google alerts 34. Sign up for google alerts. With google alerts you can monitor the web for new content on keywords and topics that you (and your blog readers ) are interest in. You will receive these notifications directly in your email inbox. Once a week (maximum) or once a day (maximum). At your choice. As these alerts arrive. You can newsstand the most interesting topics or write a post with a comment about what.S happening in your space.

Facebook audience insights could

Take a look at your audience insights on facebook to Africa Email List learn about your audience.S other interests. Facebook audience insights could be your greatest untapp resource if you don.T use it to generate new ideas for blog posts. What are the posts that have gotten the most engagement from your followers in the past? Turn these engaging topics into new blog posts by approaching the topic from a different angle or delving deeper into it. 36. Use a blog title idea generator. These nifty tools are valuable resources for the blogger with writer.S block. Fatjoe.S blog post title idea generator for fatjoe. For example. Generates a variety of comprehensive blog topic ideas bas on a simple keyword search.

Use google trends to identify peaks

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Other blog title idea generators are portent.S content idea generator . Seopressor.S blog title generator . And hubspot.S blog topic generator among Taiwan Database other things. Little league trends 37. Use google trends to identify peaks of interest. Like google alerts. Google trends is a useful google tool for fueling content creation . With it you can find out how interest in certain topics has chang over time – and when you find a topic or keyword with a sudden spike in interest. You have found a great topic for blog posts. For example. Take a look at the google trends graph above showing interest in little league over a 90-day period from mid-may to mid-august 2018.

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