Learn how to create a banner for YouTube and highlight your channel

Depending on the device the user uses to access Learn how to your. Therefore, channel. For example, a banner will display differently when viewed on a computer, mobile phone, tablet or Smart TV. Google’s suggested dimensions for a channel. Therefore, cover are: Recommended: 2560 x 1440 pixels Minimum for upload: 2048 x 1152 pixels Minimum “safety area”, which guarantees that texts and logos will not be cut off on any device: 1546 x 423 pixels Maximum width: 2560 x 423 pixels File size: 4 MB or less You’re probably thinking that the recommended resolution is too high, right?

What is a YouTube Learn how to banner

But don’t be confused. Your banner can be displayed on. Therefore, monitors larger than 30″. On my own website I offer my services as a web designer. To position yourself in search engines , the best way to do it is by creating content on a blog and even opening a YouTube channel in which you share your knowlge. These two legs can bring you traffic and position you as an expert in your field. Therefore, it is executive email list necessary to ensure that the design and art are of quality on screens of different sizes. To make your job. Therefore, easier, Google offers a series of templates to help you create a responsive banner. To access, click here .

Responsive dimensions

Intelligent and balanced design Do you remember the “safety area” that we. Therefore, mentioned in the previous point? Advantages: It is the most natural way to get start on the Internet. We all have some knowlge that can be offer online. It requires very little investment to start and you can always grow. When  creating your art, it is important to keep this space in mind. Your banner is the best opportunity to promote. Therefore, your brand among the people Taiwan Database who access your channel. If the most important information about art is put in the wrong place, it can harm the understanding of the message.

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