A Complete B2B SEO Strategy Guide

If you own a business that offers goods and services to other businesses (like we do here at Ahrefs), then you’re probably wondering how to get your products/services in front of your customers organically on Google. Luckily, we’ve been doing this for years, so we’ve learned a thing or two about B2B SEO strategies. A Complete B2B Today, you’re going to learn how to implement your own SEO strategy step by step! In this guide, we’ll cover the following: As you can tell from the definition above, B2B SEO doesn’t really differ that much from B2C SEO (business-to-consumer search engine optimization).

While the reader

May be different—you’re talking to executives and managers—the process is pretty much the same. Any SEO strategy is simple: Find keywords (related to what you’re selling) that your executive data target customers are searching for on Google Create search-optimized pages that best answer those searches Build links to those pages And that’s exactly what you’ll learn to do in this guide. You can’t have an SEO strategy without knowing what your customers are searching for. Good keyword research is the difference between getting a positive ROI and wasting your time and money on rankings that don’t net your business any profit. There are many ways to do keyword research.

But the simplest

Starting point is to look at what your business competitors are ranking for. Here’s how: Find competitors invested in SEO See what they’re ranking. For First, think of “seed keywords” to Taiwan Data Base get you started. These are keywords you think your customers may be. Searching for to find your products/services or solutions. For example, if you sell software that helps business owners create beautiful designs easily (like Canva does). A Complete B2B here are some keywords you can start with: If a keyword looks promising, open a new tab and search for it on Google to see the current search results. This will give you an idea of what kind of content is ranking for that keyword. For example, if we search “discord logo” from the list above, it appears this won’t be a good keyword to target. It seems to be mostly just people looking to.

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