The last few days have been marked by constant fighting, which is not only taking place in Ukraine. It is linked to the conflict that Russia started, but it is also taking place . In the digital space, with constant attacks from both sides. They claim, with evidence, to have managed to compromise a website of the Russian Space Research Institute, associated with Roscosmos.
Anonymous Russia Russian Space Agency Roscosmos compromise
Since the beginning of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, the Anonymous group has also been fighting.
Measures have been taken and there are Bahrain Mobile Number List even reports of successful cases, which unfortunately have not been possible to prove. Now, from what Anonymous has revealed, they have finally succeeded in compromising a website associated with Roscosmos, the Russian Space Agency.
The Anonymous group claims to have also gained access to information about some Roscosmos missions, both in Russian and English, focused on trips to the Moon. The group took advantage of this theft and made this information public.
Anonymous Russia Russian Space Agency Roscosmos compromise
The remaining subdomains Brazil Phone Number List are functional and accessible on the Internet.
This is an important step for Anonymous, which has shown that it is delivering on its promises. It will certainly intensify its attacks and attempt to compromise more websites of Roscosmos and other Russian government entities.