Google Analytics is a web analytics tool. It offers insights into website traffic, based on audience, acquisition, behavior, and conversions. put both versions head-to-head and analyze their biggest differences.
Universal Analytics vs Analytics 4… round 1.
Universal Analytics and GA4 Interface
Google Analytics 4 is not an improved update of Universa Ecuador Mobile Number List Analytics, but a new version with new reports. By this we mean that you will not see the same reports in both versions, since in GA4 many of them are generated when events start to be generated. If you have worked with Firebase for any application, you will be able to see some similarities with this interface.
Within Universal Analytics they recommend having at least 3 views per property:
Unfiltered View: without filters and with all the data
Test View: where to test filters and lenses
Master View: where to apply the changes tested in the Australia Phone Number List previous one.
Apart from these three you can create up to 25, and a separate one for your application, in GA4 you do not have the option to create views
Universal Analytics uses a session-based model, collecting information about page views, events, and transactions such as hits (clicks) and any action the user takes on the website.Universal Analytics events have a category, action, label and value (optional). In GA4 you can create them more easily and without technical implementation (in most cases). We are faced with several types:
Automatically registered: activated when interactions occur on the website or app. No code changes are required if SDK or gtag.js is used
Enhanced measurement: allows you to measure more advanced user interactions (scroll, clicks, downloads, video viewing, etc.). It must be activated from the interface.
Advertiser Implemented Recommendations
Custom: Created and implemented by the advertiser.
Just like in Universal Analytics, you can also turn these events into conversions/goals. However, this seems like a long way to go compared to the simplicity of creating destination-type goals in GA3.
Differences between universal analytics and GA4
Data retention
In the case of Universal Analytics we have 14 months, 26 months, 38 months, 50 months or no expiration date. In GA4 only the options of 2 or 14 months.
Differences between universal analytics and GA4