Vontributes to long-term progress” (James Clear, Atomic Habit) Yup, start from small habit changes. Even though it seems trivial – only 1% – the impact will be big. There’s only 1 condition: commit to doing these new good little habits consistently every day. Like what? Let’s take a look Based on research, the average Indonesian spends 3 hours 26 minutes every day on social media. Total in a month, more than 100 hours. During that time, time rolled around just to satisfy curiosity. Even though there is no benefit for self-growth . Meanwhile, to complete the Basic Learning Web programming class, for example, you only need to study a total of 40 hours or 2 hours per day for 20 days. Which do you choose: screen time for entertainment or screen time to prepare for the future.

The number of hours in a month

 One day is absolutely 24 hours. We have 720 hours each month and 8,760 hours each year.or year will not change. But the decision on the number of hours we will spend making progress is up to us. Little Habits of a Developer Do you really want to start whatsapp database progressing as a developer with small habits? I suggest starting with simple atomic habits like: Learn to code in the Dicoding learning flow for at least 2 hours a day Read programming / self-growth / learning / other genre books for at least 15 minutes a day Help answer in the Dicoding material discussion forum for at least 10 minutes a day Build your own playground on Github in 15 minutes a day

That you understand and practice

 Rewrite programming material on your blog or Medium at least once every two weeks. and so on Don’t just choose habits. Only commit to things that have an impac  Taiwan Database on your development. Furthermore, here are four (4) simple steps from James Clear to build these good habits: Make the habit visible Make it interesting Make it easy Make it satisfying If you want to dig deeper, I recommend you read the book Atomic Habit by James Clear. I’m waiting for the  with Small Habits After changing your mindset , now is the time for action . 1% better every day .

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