Do you remember interacting on Facebook before emoticons were How to added  complement. The iconic Like button? The symbols facebook reactions are placed next the big thumb  give users more ways to express their feelings about posts, images, and videos. Facebook, officially called Reacciones, originally tested the emoticons in Spain and Ireland during a four-month trial period. There was a big post on Bloomberg Business that included Facebook’s decision to blow up the Like button. It’s as much about the story behind  the reactions came about as it is about the why and  of the change, and it’s an excellent, in-depth read.


What are Facebook reactions?

Emoticons are everywhere in the modern world. We constantly company data use emoticons to express ourselves and translate our emotions into a digital  format. Reactions are Facebook’s way of helping facilitate that emotional conversation online. Facebook Reactions is a series of emoticons that people can use to respond to a post. There was a big post on Bloomberg Business that included Facebook’s decision to blow up the Like button. It’s as much about the story behind  the reactions came about as it is about the why and  of the change, and it’s an excellent, in-depth read.


What do reactions mean for Facebook users?

When you sit back and think about the history Taiwan Database of Facebook and the Like How to button. It seems incredible that they did it for so long with a single expressive emoticon. There was a big post on Bloomberg Business that included Facebook’s decision to blow up the Like button. It’s as much about the story behind h the reactions came about as it is about the why and  of the change, and it’s an excellent, in-depth read.

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