Put a negative (or positive) spin on the idea. Another way to expand your thinking is to put a positive or negative spin on each idea. If you.Ve already written about “10 things every entrepreneur should do before 8:00. ” why not write about “10 things every entrepreneur should never do before 8:00”? Mind mapping 12. Create a mind map. Start with a central topic or concept and break it down into sub-topics. Then. Break each sub-topic into sub-topics. And so on. Becoming more specific at each level. Once you get as specific as possible.
Make a list of people you could interview
You.Ll find that you.Ve creat a list of Email List possible blog topics. 13. Instead of making a list of possible topics. Make a list of people you could interview. That list could include key customers. Industry influencers. Or team members. Not only can you use interviews as blog posts. But the different perspectives you.Ll get from each interview subject will likely inspire additional blog post ideas. Find inspiration from other sources 14. Read comments on your past blog posts. Read the comments section of your blog. You.Ll likely find that your audience is providing you with a wealth of ideas for future posts.
While your blog comments can directly influence
Even if they.Re not asking a question that you can answer in a blog post. You can find out which topics are most interesting to your audience Taiwan Database and expand on those concepts in future posts. While your blog comments can directly influence your search engine rankings they provide an excellent source of inspiration for brainstorming new blog post ideas. 15. Leverage your social mia audience. Your readers aren.T engag with your content just in the comments section of your blog. Monitor your replies on twitter. Comments on your facebook or instagram posts.