For example. Is a more descriptive name than 262757.jpeg . Other recommend measures for this are the sheer number of images on your site. As well as logos. Brands and others that stand out from the images. In general. The quality of the product images improves the chances of being found in lens search results. And the more images you have of the product. The more likely one of them will get lost in the search results. Regarding the latter. However.

Everything is connect to everything

Its good to remember that everything is connect to everything. The implementer of search engine optimization should therefore know what also happens on the paid advertising side and how these two b2b leads channels can support each other. Both channels can and should be done at the same time. Because ads keyword advertising. For example. Offers quick results. If only a sufficient amount of the mia budget is us for advertising the keyword. Seo. On the other hand. Is long-term work .

Page of search results

Let alone find it on the first page of search results. At this point. Ads keyword advertising nes to step forward and take the keyword of that service into the advertising Taiwan Database campaign. In this case. Potential customers who use the keyword find your page through advertisements. And now your new service page has time to rise to the right places in the search rankings. When the site starts to rank well and you see that organic traffic is also flowing there.

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