The axes of digital marketing

The axes of digital marketing

Below we’ll explain the 4 F’s of online commerce:

The limitations of the technology itself should always be considered.

  1. Feedback: If the user is in a state of flow, their navigation will be calm and without desperation, which will allow you to obtain the information you need about what they like about your brand or what you should improve. The Internet gives you the opportunity to relate to the customer and to personalize your homepage based on the users. For Fleming, this is the beginning of an idyllic relationship.

  2. Loyalty: the ideal thing about a Korea Phone Number Data relationship is loyalty and according to the author, the ease that the Internet gives you to offer user communities.

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Types of feedback you should know

There are tools that help your company or Malaysia Phone Number List business marketing, it is not enough to just know them, you have to know them so that their application is perfect. We present them to you as follows:

  • Feedback from a business perspective: this type of feedback includes all corporate communication processes ranging from branding actions to the .

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