Today’s lunar calendar

Today’s lunar calendar: July 11, 2024 (sixth day of the sixth lunar month)
Year of the Dragon

Auspicious day today

Moving into the house
Bed Setting
Job Search
move place
Seeking medical attention
Senior official appointment
[Auspicious time today]

Today’s Conflict

Conflicting direction: Southwest
Zodiac signs that conflict with you: Rooster, Dog
Unlucky: Tiger
[Today’s God of Wealth’s location]


Today’s Do’s and Don’ts

Suitable for: seeking wealth, job hunting, opening a business, breaking ground, seeking medical treatment, and taking up a government position
Taboo: traveling, visiting the sick, litigation, signing contracts
[Kind tips]

The above content is for reference only. Please Insurance Telemarketing Leads choose carefully based on your own situation.
For specific details about good and bad luck, it is recommended to consult the local professional almanac or consult a professional.

Insurance Telemarketing Leads

[SEO Optimization]

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[Expanded content]

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