Winter melon and pork ribs soup

Winter melon and pork ribs soup: a nutritious and delicious home-cooked soup that clears away heat and relieves summer heat Winter melon and pork ribs soup is a nutritious and delicious home-cooked soup that clears away heat and relieves summer heat. Winter melon is cool in nature and sweet in taste, and has the effects of clearing heat, promoting diuresis, reducing swelling and detoxifying; pork ribs are rich in protein and calcium, and have the effects of replenishing qi, strengthening the spleen and nourishing the stomach.


500g spare ribs
1000g winter melon
2 slices of ginger
Salt to taste
1 spoon of cooking wine
Pepper to taste


Wash the ribs and soak them in cold water for to remove the blood.
Peel and remove the flesh of winter melon, and cut into cubes.
Cut the green onion into sections and the ginger into slices.
Winter melon, ginger slices and cooking wine and continue cooking for.


Blanching the ribs can remove blood and fishy smell.
Winter melon is cold in nature, with weak spleen and stomach not eat.
You can add other ingredients according to Telemarketing Insurance Leads Appointment Setting your personal preference. Red dates, wolfberries, yam, etc.
This winter melon and pork ribs soup is easy to make, nutritious and delicious. Whether it is clearing away heat in summer. The body in winter, it is a good choice.

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