Google no longer necessarily understands which of these pages should be the most important to bring up in the search results. So the cannibalization of search terms eats up the search rankings of all three text entities. Problems of the example case the guide is divid into three different pages and all of them use the same keywords in the most important elements of search engine optimization. I.e. Title tag. H1 main title. Url address and of course also in the content.

Collects are divid between three

E external links that the guide collects are divid between three different pages. Whats the solution? It would be business lead more effective in terms of search engine visibility if all those links were direct to one page. Internal linking also has a direct impact on search engine visibility. Internal linking creates a hierarchy on your site and spreads the so-call authority brought by external links around your site. In the example case. The power shar by internal links is distribut to three different pages.

Taken so that your sites images

Duplicate content copi from elsewhere should be rewritten and customiz to make it unique. Why would google put your Taiwan Database page above others if the same content is on 10 other sites? Search engines detect duplicate content when search robots wade through the web and store in their memory all the content on different websites. If the search engine bots come across content that it had already wad through from another site. It will be mark as duplicate content in the eyes of the search engines.

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